Monday, May 3, 2010


The HandSomeLetters book arrived! You should all be proud. I'll bring it to class, let me know if you want to purchase a copy and I'll get it up as public on Blurb.

Pizza is in your future if you bring $5. on Tuesday.

It's been a great semester with each of you. The book is a testament in words and images of your talents and the amount you have learned this semester. Congratulations!

I'll have the book as pdf tomorrow for your keeping, sharing and viewing pleasure! So bring your drive.

Here's a little something for you all:

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Week 15: final crits rd 1

final crit times!

April 27
1. Emma Maatman
2. Ashley Jackimowicz
3. Joshua Jack
4. Hannah Erhardt
5. Yao Li
6. Steven Johnson
7. Maria Rigden
8. Paige Vickers
9. Krissy Diggs

Everyone come to class.
We will have a review or the hard copy book
Crits begin
Students not getting a crit do "Join the Illustration rEvolution"

1. Kim Gim
2. Tania Talbot
3. Bryant Molloy
4. Colleen Wilson
5. Angela Ahn
6. Andrea Rossi
7. Lara Kaminoff
8. Molly Ezzell
9. Nick

Everyone come to class
we will have a review of the real book.

<3 nick

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Week 14: April 20

Please keep up with your sketchbook alphabets and if you didn't turn in one for the 13th please turn in 2 next week.

Also, take the time to rework anything in your portfolio you want to make better. Next week we will work as a team to finalize the book. April 27 is when we're having our final crit.

and go to this!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Week 13: April 13

Al files as 300 dpi tifs @ 8x10


Cover/inside layout & handletters statement

Kim Gim
Nick Iluzada
Steven Johnson

Sketchbook Alphabets & Calesthenics: Letter, Word, Text
Ashley Jackimowicz
Lara Kaminoff
Bryant Molloy
Colleen Wilson

Construct/Deconstruct & Coffee Label
Angela Ahn
Krissy Diggs
Molly Ezzell
Joshua Jack

Nature's Alphabet & Nature's Alphabet Design project
Yao Li
Maria Rigden
Emma Maatman

Test Patterns: Origin letters, Square pattern, Wallpaper
Andrea Rossi
Tania Talbot
Paige Vickers
Hannah Erhardt

Chapter Sections: number of pages w/o introductory spread.
Calisthenics: 6
Construction/deconstruction: 6
Patter: 10
Nature: 12
Coffee Label: 8
Sketchbook: 18

Make sure you give Nick a list of people whose work is in your chapter asap!. Email each person for whom you don't have a high-res file asap!

Hardcopy page layouts to Kim, Nick, and Steve asap via IL office. Drop in the black tray in outer office (hopefully it will have a post-it note on it).

all high res files are due next week in class though try to get them to us sooner.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Week 9 - Project 08: Handletters Book pages, Project 09: Handletters Book statement

o8: Work in class to scan your best sketchbook pages and projects. Files labeled title_FirstNameInitial_lastName.tiff. Burn them to a CD. Compose or crop your images to 8x10 vertical pages and add a 1/8" bleed if image goes to the edge. (your images can float on white space as long as the page is 8x10)

Size: Our book will be 8x10" paperback in color using
Medium: Color or b/w art as CMYK .tff files at 300dpi. Don not enlarge small files up they will look pixilated. Place your .tiff files in the .tiff folder inside a folder with your name on it.
Essential Qualities: All of your work up to this point and your weekly sketchbook alphabets.
Final: All files due Ap 20 in folder and as one pdf file

09: Create a one page statement that expresses your thoughts about handlettering using handlettering. Your can write from the perspective of what you've learned, people that influence you, or your thoughts on specific assignments.

HOMEWORK: Make adjustments and finish everything that you haven't done yet! remember we'll be breaking up into groups to start working on the book next week!

and here is this weeks videos!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Week 9- Project 7: Wallpaper

Use your best piece from the Test Pattern project, develop it more and pattern it out.

Let us see your pattern at work.

Size: 22x35"
Medium: Color or B&W as appropriate, digital output. Make the presentation look good by trimming out the poster.
Essential Qualities: A working repeat. A pattern that is evocative [dynamic, ethereal, delicate, bold, etc]

See this site to create a repeat.

See this site for inspiration.

Final: due April 6.
Homework: Finals for P07 and bring in sketchbook and external drive.

remember to also bring in the original letterform used to make your pattern and the 5 patterns from last week, as well as the digital file you used to print.

Week 8: Project 6

Use elements/details of previous assignments/sketches, recombining/overlapping/editing into 5 interesting patters on 6x6 squares.

use tracing paper and/or digital manipulation. Use color with meaning.

Work-in-class this week to develop lots of ideas. Bring in your 5 best ideas next week on 6x6" squares.

Patterning workshop in class next week

Size: 6x6"
Medium: Color of B&W as appropiate. Make the presentation look good by trimming out squares to size.
Essential Qualities: Visual interest. Creative use of your raw material.
Finals: due March 30

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Week 7: Project 5 cont.

For your midterms critiques next week, please bring in all your work to date in chronological order! Don't forget your sketchbooks with all your weekly alphabets.

Also, bring a piece of lineart (preferably a letterform) for the illustrator demo next week.

Furthermore, bring your final coffee labels in ASAP so we can photograph them.

ps: thanks for bringing in awesome work for the nature alphabets/posters/books/other things

and here are the videos from this week!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Week 6: Project 5

Remember, for next week have:

05: Then use your alphabet too create a headline, book title or message poster.
Work-in-progress next week.

Size: 11x17 vertical on both.
Medium: Color [even if it is limited in palette], your choice for materials.
Essential Qualities: A spirited use of nature or natural forms.
Finals: Due Mar 2. Color Digital output, make the presentation look good.

Also, bring the digital files of your coffee labels and the labels on bags so we can get proper documentation!

here are some pictures from our crit at High Grounds!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Week 5: Project 4 & 5

04: Make an alphabet using found natural objects or inspired by nature. Capture letterforms rendered from life, stylistically/graphically interpreted or capture photographically. Digital and manual manipulation allowed, just keep it consistent. Scan your art at 200%, 300dpi and save file for Project 05.

05: Then use your alphabet to create a headline, book title or message poster.
Work-in-progress next week.

Size: 11x17 vertical on both.
Medium: Color [even if it is limited in palette], your choice for materials.
Essential Qualities: A spirited use of nature or natural forms.
Finals: Due Mar 2. Color Digital output, make the presentation look good.

Next week we'll be going to High Grounds Coffee in Highlandtown at 11, so if you have a car, bring it!

here are the videos from this week:

and since some of you guys wanted to see examples of previous people's projects for this assignments, I present you with:
Kerry Cesen
Miranda Pfeiffer
Bonnie Bladen
Kali Ciesmier
Zoe Keller
Na Kim
Alicia Adamarovich
Meg Metzger
Ana Bernaroya
Andrea Kalfas

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Week 4

For next week:

Bring your final artwork printed on label paper with the corners rounded. Label paper will be in the Illustration offices with Erin Gleeson on Thursday (weather permitting).

If you have a car, please bring it next week since we might drive up to Highlandtown for the critique at High Grounds.

As per usual, please bring your weekly alphabet for us to collect.

happy snow day,
<3 Nick

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Project 3: High Grounds Coffee Label

The Baltimore Artists Blend 12-ounce bags from local coffee shop High Grounds in Highlandtown (] have featured the work of local artists. High Ground’s idea is to help promote the local art scene and struggling artists, said shop owner Brett Bixler. For this project, we will create handlettered labels for a variety of High Grounds blends.

Size: Artwork 3” x 4” vertical.
Medium: Color or B&W as appropriate. Final art as color digital output, make the presentation look good.

Essential Qualities: Legibility and visual interest. Inclusion of all copy & UPC symbol.

Final: Completed label trimmed to size. Mock ups on sticker paper trimmed and placed on bags. Place your name in pencil on the bottom of the bag.
Schedule: Feb 2 – High Grounds project assigned > Guest: Brett Bixler

Feb 9 – Concept sketches reviewed, InDesign tutorial in classes. Revise sketches for homework, start final art

Feb 16 – Final art finished, label printed. Apply label in class

and here are some photos from last weeks class:

Brett Bixler & Cathren Kull helping students out with their ideas.

also, here's last weeks in class video:

Project 2: Transformation Project: Constructed vs. Deconstructed

Choose 1 character to execute in its correct form [Constructed] the use the same character and destroy is, take it apart or rearrange it [Deconstructed]. Leave some aspects of the constructed form so that we can know what letter it is. Try to deconstruct it in some way that pays attention to the form.

Homework: Develop one constructed and one deconstructed piece for 9am pun-up, both 11x14 vertical. Scale and place the letter on the format to make it appear interesting and planned out.

size: 11x14 vertical B&W for each letter form.

Medium: your choice for execution

Essential Qualities: go for the structural perfection of the original letter form [you can photocopy a letter for up to make it fill the page]. Be imaginative when you deconstruct it. Conceptual approaches are encouraged.

Final: Pin-up in class 9am next week. Digital output, make the presentation look professional. Present constructed on left and deconstructed on right, side by side.

here are some photos from the class:

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Videos from week 1

Here are the two videos that we watched in class

Father & Son Draw an Alpha

Marian Bantjes & Debbie Millman in SF

Project 01: Calisthenics Exercises – Letter/Word/Text

Exercise One : Letter

Take a slice of bread, wreck it, mold it, squeeze or pull it. Use the scraps, remainders and slabs of the bread to make a letter form. Do this again, share bits and pieces with classmates. When you have a good one, take it to the photocopier or scanner and copy it. Try to not be precious!

Exercise Two: Word

Choose 4 words, write then in block uppercase letterform, memorize their shapes, close your eyes and draw the inside forms [counters] first then the outside of the forms. Try to do this freely!

Exercise Three: Text

At arms length, use a dark marking took [brush and ink, marker, charcoal] and write a paragraph [your choice of words]. Try to do this with your arm as far from your body as possible!

Homework: Make 9 interesting compositions total using your calisthenics alone or in combination due next week.

Size: 11x14 vertical.

Medium: photocopies or printout.

Finals: Make the presentation look good. I’ll learn a lot about how you think and work from this project.

Here some photos from our first class!





Whitney's fine collection of books on letterforms