Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Alphabet Fabric Contest

We are making an Alphabet Pattern for our next project that will be submitted to Spoonflower.com. Here are the requirements based on their contest requirements: Create a fabric design that uses the alphabet as a design motif. Please submit original work. Do not submit centered images unless the design is intended to be ordered as a pattern rather than as fabric. Their entry deadline is Tuesday, April 12, 2011, so we will have one week to complete this project.

Pls bring your designs to class for morning crit.

Use alphabets from your sketchbook. Remember the 2D principles I discussed in the initial exercises on Letter, Word, Text and the abstract designs you derived from them. You can submit as many patterns as you like. Be conceptual, or narrative, or play with shape and color. Think about an audience. Use a few letters or many.

IMPORTANT: See http://www.designspongeonline.com/2008/05/welcome-julia-and-how-to-make-a-repeat-pattern.html for Julia Rothman's quick lesson on making a repeat [you can also do this with Photoshop] http://www.juliarothman.com/, or use tools in CS5 if you know them to create a pattern. BUT consult the spoonflower.com site to understand pattern requirements for their fabric sizes and for the contest.

Here is great example by the incomparable Ray Fenwick.

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